My recent trip to the craft store saw me bring home some: zips, ric rac, interlock, buttons and some dye. I've never ever done any dye-ing before so I read up on a few posts about it. Most of it sounded pretty straight forward. Heat up some water, dissolve the dye and add the fabric. I normally feel very apprehensive before starting anything and therefore procrastinate every single project before I actually get started. This time I thought I'd bite the bullet after a few days of seeing the dye on my table. Here's what I did with the dye : Rit Dye : Colour Mauve. I pre-washed her cardigan in warm water and rinsed it in hot (no softener!) Then I dissolved the RIT dye in 2 cups of boiling water into a 2ltr bucket. I added 3/4 cup of salt (it said 1 cup but I was running out) and added 1 tablespoon of Radiant laundry detergent (as per the instructions on the packet). After more swirling I boiled more hot water and filled up the bucket almost half way. You want the water to cov...
A mummy blog about sewing, cooking, crafting and family life with my four gorgeous children..