The Bloggerversary winner is.... Rachael who said:
"I love reading other crafty peoples blogs, it inspires me so much. If I can inspire someone who reads my blog to try something new then I have succeeded."
So true. I love it when people get inspired by seeing things on my blog.
Her beautiful blog features a gorgeous vest she knitted for her daughter. I've been admiring so many vests out there for the bubs and this one is just perfect for our winter weather. Not that it's a true winter just yet. The sun is still shining brightly like it was Spring. I think we have a hot summer coming.. yuck.
Thankyou for all who commented. Now I have some new inspiring blogs to read!
E-mail me your address Rachael and I will post out the book to you this week!
oooh congratulations! Damn - I forgot to enter!