Google remembered my birthday! Haa ha. I'm feeling older. You know that feeling. You kinda feel like something should be different and it is... just not what you were expecting. I recently took a week off because I required a hospital visit to emergency and a few blood tests. All is well though. Thank GOD for that. I am very thankful for all the good things and now even for the bad things.
My motto moving forward is going to be "What ever doesn't kill you makes you stronger." It's true.
So things are moving along. Kids are well and mostly doing good in school. I'm doing well both at work and at home. Not great but everyone says "How do you do it?"
We answer "We don't. We just get by." Lol. Seriously we just do the basics. Even those we don't always get right.
I've been itching to get back into sewing. I really want to do more than just sew up holes and tears. I was thinking of this pattern below:
It looks really plain and simple. It's the first day of Winter down here and boy are we feeling it. I've been wearing pants and scarves and jackets. It's a bit fun but not really. I don't have many long sleeve shirts to wear to work. I'd like to start sewing some up instead of buying them.
If you have any suggestions please do let me know. It kind of means I do need to fabric shop though and I've not done that in a year or so. Wow, has it been that long?
Yeah, way too long. I must break the drought.
Peace out,
That looks like a great pattern. I haven't had much luck sewing clothes, except for shorts. I'm having issues with my machine, but I have tons of fabric, patterns, and all the other stuff. Happy sewing!