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Failures and

Hi there. Long time. Things are craaaaazy around here. My basil is going crazy. I thought it died on me but green shoots began to sprout and before I knew it there was still life in my plants and it's taken a whole 'life' on it's own? How crazy but good crazy. I feel like I should be making pesto every day. I don't. But maybe I should find more uses for basil. Actually my oregano and sage have exploded as well. Maybe I should start selling little bunches to my neighbours? Haa haa.

Finally made Sarah Wilson's Chia and Cacao bliss balls which was in my pantry for a while. I didn't add the whole cup of water this time. Just maybe half a cup so the mixture was thick enough to roll into balls. I gotta say my kids didn't take to them but I have eaten them all this week. Yummm.

I pledged to eat no meat during Lent so trying to find dinner dishes that require no meat is a bit interesting to say the least. The weather here in Sydney has been up and down so when it's wet and rainy I make curry. When it's sunny I make steamed barramundi. It's also been cooler going into Winter (June) so I like making hearty dishes. Curry is easy though and takes no time at all. Heat up your curry mixture, add coconut milk, fish and vegies and you're done. Serve on rice or noodles. Mmmmm.
My sister hooked me back into basketball. Sundays are tough because they're Unisex games and the guys are competitive. I got this black eye from the guy accidentally knocking me with his head. People at work think I was wearing eye-liner. Lol. I wonder what those people thought who were interviewing me and staring at my eye? I should have coloured in my other eye to match but I hardly wear eye makeup.

The thing about basketball is that you should wear the right shoes. I wear my runners. Not good if you're running around like a chicken. I twisted my right ankle during the last 5 minutes of my Unisex, It was game over for me but we still won the game by hitting two three pointers in the last minute. It didn't feel bad after the game but I should have iced it longer when I got home and not had a warm shower. Apparently, warm water makes the blood rush down there. I felt the pain not long after and I was in agony at night. I wanted someone to cut off my leg. That's how bad it was. I wondered how I could sleep through such agony, on my back with my leg up on a pillow but I prayed. I offered up my pain and took two panadols. I eventually did sleep the whole night. Imagine that.

Anyway, I shall survive. This week of also bad parenting failure... three kids off to school without sport uniforms and wore standard uniform instead. The youngest was a bit upset about being the odd one out. At least, the lost swim cap by 2nd grader was replaced for free! Eldest child I remembered today has sport and so did she. Phew. One more day to go. 

It's the last week of school. No homework! Yessssss.
Then Passion Week and Easter. I can't wait. 
Only good things to come I believe. Only good. 
Note to myself: Easter dresses and shoes. Check all kids.
Maybe hire a cleaner....


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